Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Tilapia. Basmati rice. Whole wheat bread. Organic vegetables and grapes.

The kids ate grapes.

And bread.

Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother.

Oh yes. I'm trying to instill good eating habits in to our children. Although, I think I'd have a better chance of having them calculate the average wing speed velocity of an African swallow than eat a single grain of rice without clutching their throats and falling off the chair.


  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed your full day of food blogging. What a treat to get three updates in a single day! Will you do it again sometime?

  2. At least they try. Mine won't even look at "new" food. :(

  3. My 2 three year olds do the exact same thing. Grapes and bread would have been all they ate also. I keep wondering when they will begin to eat like real humans.

  4. Dang kids. have you tried putting shredded chedder cheese in their rice and mixing it up, its realy yummy.

  5. I just finished breakfast--leftover chicken makhani from the Indian restaurant we went to on Sunday. I'm addicted to that stuff!

  6. We had tilapia last night, too! Have you tried Trader Joe's Tilapia Citronette? We always serve it with their Aparagus "basotto" (risotto) and Dr. Praeger's fishies. One twin can't get enough of MY tilapia. And they both like the risotto (that I add frozen peas to. They are still acquiring a taste for asparagus, lol). Yes, I am still cooking frozen food dinners as if I have newborn twins...now THEY eat it, too...I fear I will never cook again!

  7. I can't even imagine. My three would have all eaten the bread and grapes, but one would have finished her rice and veggies, one her rice and fish and the other would have eaten everything. They would have all asked for more rice than you have on those plates. LOL

  8. Jen, I think I just pee'd a little in my pants. That last line about the speed of the swallow got me!

  9. Looks delicious!
    My 4 1/2 year old (I think he's about 3 or 4 weeks younger than your trips) is finally interested in trying new foods, and has decided he likes almost all kinds of meat. Fruit... still, not so much, strangely. But this was after we had to get tough and insist on at least a bite or two of a new food most nights. (At first, we did it as a bribe... try a bite of steak and you can have dessert... which I know some people say is a bad idea but it really worked for us).
    OTOH, my 7 year old... who we use the same strategy with... is still nearly as picky now as he was when he was 2. Sigh.

  10. Why is it that my son won't even try a bite of pasta salad or beans or chicken on the bone or any other numerous things we've attempted yet he will pick up a chunk of BIRD POOP right off the sidewalk and eat it before I've even had a chance to blink.

    I just don't get it.

  11. I'm right there with you. I like to eat healthy, love to cook, and stay home with my 3 and 5 yr old. We have actually been to food therapy with the 5 yr old because he was so picky and losing weight, but not much has changed. We do everything they recommend and he still eats the same assortment of items- at least his list is mostly healthy food.

    I dread meals. I feel physically ill at the thought of making 3 meals a day. I love feeding other people's children because they eat! Now my 3 yr old is going through chemo and eats nothing but mini waffles and raw red pepper 8 times a day. But at least she knows what she wants because the 5 yr old knows its not what I made, but he can't think of any other ideas. aaarghhhh!

    Here's two posts I did about it that pretty much sum it up... http://littlepapiandpunkin.blogspot.com/2008/02/family-table.html


  12. Oh, I so relate. Trying to make a meal for the whole family with a finicky toddler is a nightmare. I don't get it. N and I are not finicky at all...we'll try anything once. Our little one? If it looks at him wrong or if the temperature in Denmark isn't just right he won't even go near it. I keep hearing this is normal, but good god...drives me nuts.

  13. Mine will eat rice until they are swimming in it!! They won't eat a veggie though. Oh well - I try and try. You rdinner looks great though.

  14. Keep up the good fight! They will eat one day. Just don't offer them a tasty snack option later - kitchen closed.

  15. The words, "Whoever finish their dinner gets m&m's..." might hold weight in this situation...

  16. I feel you Jen...there is a direct relationship between the amount of time, effort and expense that I have put into a meal and my 3.5 yo's likelihood of eating any of it. The more I put in, the less he will eat. If it is something extra special I made JUST BECAUSE I thought he would like it, he won't even take a bite. My husband interviewed him for Mother's Day and asked "What food do you like that Mommy cooks for you?" My son answered "cereal."

  17. Can I come over and eat what the kids don't??? Man that looks good!

  18. I hear ya...I'd rather poke my eyes out most days versus preparing a meal that I work hard on and they DON't eat!! Drives me nuts!!

  19. Seriously! I made Tilapia tonight, and I was so amazingly happy that one kid actually ate a half of a filet. You can guess what the other two did with theirs:)

  20. Last night I threw together this amazing pasta dish with artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers and cannelli beans. The toddler loves pasta, but (as I had predicted prior) she ate only the pasta out of the dish. None of the other good stuff. Sigh... What can you do but keep offering.

    And are you sure you didn't mean a European swallow? ;-)
