Monday, September 10, 2007

thank goodness for bed rails

This is how I found Elizabeth when I went to check on her, last night.

It's funny that when her stuffed animal "bunny" wanders more than 2 feet away while she is sleeping, she will wake up screaming. But being completely wedged between the bed and the safety rail doesn't faze her in the least. Ah, youth...


  1. That is hysterical! It's great when you can get photos like that. How is the sleeping situation going now?

  2. I think your title should read, "Thank goodness for MESH bed rails."
    It's funny when they have lots of room to move!
    When we took the bed rails off of Shayna's bed, I put every pillow we had on the floor next to her bed! I don't do that anymore... she's learned to stay put because it hurts when you fall out, even with 25 pillows to break your fall!

  3. HOW IN THE WORLD can she sleep like that????

    I'm still giggling.

  4. I second hw's comment. I'm still laughing about it too. Really cute! Children are so funny sometimes.

  5. I seriously can't stop laughing!

  6. I used to find my ds in that exact same position. We finally took the bed rail down (at just over 4yrs old) and then he fell out of bed last night and conked his head. Ouch! (Beware...our rail actually broke one night over a year ago as he was wedged and he fell out then too. I really should have written the company.)
    Amy in FL

  7. still on the floor laughing


    That was freaking hilarious!

  8. Hi, I am a triplet dad from Michigan that happened upon your blog and read your amazing story. We also had a long stay in the NICU of over 3 months with our babies. Keep up the good work!!

  9. LOL, I've found my daughter this way a few times. It must feel like a hammock. Now that she broke it by kicking it out in a fit of anger I'm not sure it would hold her anymore!

  10. That is hilarious. How can she sleep like that?!?!!? Too funny.

  11. I've decided to de-lurk after reading you for a while now, because my daughter has done the EXACT same thing! She has gotten better in the last few months, and I'm hoping to take the rail off her bed around her 4th birthday in December.

  12. I would have ran for my camera too! How funny is that! Much better that, then a bruise and a fat lip from falling!

  13. You may want to try putting a blanket roll under her mattress so she will roll into the middle of the bed. Just take an extra blanket and roll it and put it length ways under the mattress and she would have to roll up hill.
    That's what worked with you.

  14. How does she sleep like that? Glad you caught it on camera!

  15. These are cute pictures and very funny narrative, as always!! At least you are using a rail... my daughter is in a toddler bed with a body pillow on the floor at the open side because she still falls out occasionally. She didn't want a rail and doesn't wake up when she falls out, so we let her have it her way.

  16. But mom, then we wouldn't have these pictures to make us laugh when we are supposed to be doing the dishes:)

  17. that is great! i find jackson like that often...thankfully it is mesh because otherwise i don't know how they'd breathe in there. crazy kids! maybe it feels like the womb :)

  18. Can I just de-lurk to tell you how much I love you for going to get the camera to capture that moment of hilarity?

    I'm finding that is one of the joys of parenting--getting those future blackmail type pictures.

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