Thursday, January 10, 2008

negotiation with a 3-year old boy

"Mommy, I want milk with ..." finger stirs in air ... "chocowate in it."

"Hmm. Here's an idea. How about you go sit on the potty and go poo-poo, and then I'll make you a glass of chocolate milk."

"No. Dat's not a good idea. You go make me chocowate milk. I want lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of chocowate milk."

"I want you to first sit on the potty and then, I'll make you lots and lots and lots and lots of chocolate milk."

"No. I not sit on potty. You take poo-poo out my diaper and put it in potty. And then, you make me lots and lots and lots of chocowate milk. OKAY?"


  1. So who came out on top with that negotiation?

  2. We've got a saying in our house - we do not negotiate with terrorists! Of course, I find my self bowing to terrorism more than I care to admit.

  3. Sounds like a conversation at the White House! LOL!

  4. Cute! He's got a good argument, too.

    And thank you so much for passing that song on (with just a wee bit of sarcasm). I now get it stuck in my head at random times throughout the day. It's just not a song you can sing out loud at work, either.

  5. Hummmmmm...Good try Jen. :)

  6. Um. Yeah, this sounds like this could have taken place in our house about 14 years ago. It is really hard to be out talked by your toddler.
    I, too, would negotiate pretty strongly for chocolate milk...

  7. Sometime they're just toooo smart for our own good!;0)

  8. If he's negotiating like that at 3, I feel for you when he's a teenager!

  9. I love how toddlers rationalize, and then say OK forcefully, as though that seals the deal.

  10. 3yr old 1 point
    Mom 0 point

  11. see......he ain't gonna do. Even for chocolate milk. The boy is in full control.

    One day he WILL magically decide, I promise. Until then, I guess I should send you the extra size 6's I found stashed at the top of the closet.

  12. "If I say it often enough and firmly enough Mom will see my side of things" excellent negotiating skills WIlliam
