Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Missing Daddy

Since they hadn't spoken to their dad in more than 24 hours, and everyone was feeling cruddy because of a head cold that has spread like wildfire - the kids were really excited to talk to Charlie on the phone yesterday. They each took turns saying "HI DADDY!! Dee doo la fla wee twee zee!!!" Then they would hesitate and when prompted, what does a cow, duck, horse, donkey say ... enthusiastically respond "Moo! Quack! Neigh! HEE-HAW!"

Elizabeth was so happy to hear his voice, she actually smothered the phone in kisses.

This morning I groggily woke up to William calling out "Mommy!! NOSE!!!" Hoping with every ounce of my being that maybe I'd only have one stuffy-headed toddler in bed with me and that maybe, I could catch another hour or so of sleep, I tiptoed as gently as possible past the girl's room to retrieve their brother.

Moments later, all three were spread out in our big toasty bed. They didn't go back to sleep, and they certainly wouldn't let me go to sleep, either. If the picture looks dark - it's because the sun wasn't up yet at 4:45 AM.

If Charlie had been home - I highly doubt I would have been up, either.


  1. cute cute cute all day long!

  2. It's so cute how they talk on the phone! I wonder what they're thinking...

  3. Ah the inside of O-Dark-Forty-Five... I saw that this morning... if I see it tomorrow morning (later this morning), I'll be sure to think of you.. I'm wondering if there is a miracle drug for night terrors - not for her, for me!

  4. As I woke to the sound of puking in my own house this morning, I could help but recall my visit with you in October. What a ride! This same puker, my Mackenzie, was born at 12:49a.m. July 5th. It is a good day to be born but I hope yours comes earlier than that! Miss you friend! Amy

  5. Those little voices must have made your husband miss the kids so much! So cute with the kisses on the phone!

  6. So cute! Oh my gosh, I love talking to little kids on the phone! They always act like they have important business on the phone and can't be bothered(at least in my experience). Adorable!

  7. poor thing home all by yourself with three sick kids. Did I mention I'm in New York and my sick kids are home all alone with their father? I wish I was there for this endless winter of sickness. Alas, I am not. But hang in there!!! I'll be thinking of you while I'm strolling down 5th Ave tomorrow!
