Saturday, February 24, 2007

3 truths

1. Winter has finally settled in to San Diego. It was 54 degrees yesterday - outside. This was the scene inside, in our living room: Hats, mittens, warm quilts. I seriously doubt we'd ever survive in a snowy environment.

2. At 21.5 weeks, it is getting a little more difficult to see my feet. (I know my toes need some attention - they haven't been painted since our girls only weekend in September.)

3. Even after the most challenging day(s), nothing refuels my maternal patience tank and makes me believe that I can do this whole parenthood thing more than the sight of three beautiful sleeping children.

If only they were this quiet peaceful all the time...


  1. Fifty four degrees? We were thrilled this week when it actually reached 48 for a couple of days - after a week of blizzards and sub-freezing temperatures. It has melted most of the snow but the piles at the intersections are still higher than our van. And now? We are gettting an ice storm.
    You will be much more comfortable in California; although, sledding is quite fun.

  2. 54 degrees?! 54 degrees?! You're complaining about fifty-four degrees?!!?!?!?!?

    Well, anyway. We need a belly pic asap! We need to see how much you've grown! :P

  3. I absolutely love the photo of your tummy with your toes peaking out, it is a classic!

  4. I love the photo of your tummy too!
