Thursday, October 31, 2013

all hallows eve

The 2013 cast of characters...


A peace-loving rock star...


An Indian Warrior Who Lives On The Plains And Hunts Buffalo (her exact description)...


Superman, who is feeling more like Captain Grumpy Pants because his Indian Warrior Sister Who Lives On The Plains and Hunts Buffalo won't let him play with her new bow and arrow...


And a trickster Ninja, who is missing his black hood and who I thought for sure would be an Army man this Halloween. Serves me right for thinking.


For the third year in a row, we set up a bonfire in our front yard and offered up 'smores, hot apple cider, water, and pumpkin-themed brewskies to our trick-or-treaters and their chaperones.


For the first time in three years, it rained.


But that didn't stop the neighbors from coming and by 8 PM, we had a nice congregation of friends on our front yard, braving the drizzling weather and helping to make this yet another fantastic night for the memory books.  All of us are already looking forward to next year, when Halloween falls on a FRIDAY and we don't have to worry about having our little ghouls and goblins dressed, fed, shoed, and on a school bus by 7:45 AM.  Thankfully, I have this guy on my team who is quite literally, The King of getting kids ready and out the door in the morning.


The kids were tucked in to bed by 10:00 PM after I spent 20 minutes on each child scouring their candied teeth with baking soda.  I don't think it'll be much longer that I'll have the honor of assisting in the brushing of the triplet's teeth. Sometimes, you don't realize just how fast they're growing up, until a night like tonight, when they took off from our house, and soon ventured in separate directions with their friends.  For the first time ever, Charlie and I weren't with them the whole time as they went trick-or-treating.  When they returned home to me safely (and after I checked them over from head to toe), I could tangibly sense they were inching further to the edge of the nest, itching to spread their little wings and fly.

Oh, not just yet little birdies.


Not just yet.