We're still losing baby teeth, it feels like most weeks there's at least one. It's happened more than once, that we've lost the exact same tooth, on the exact same day.
The look on William's face: this is the expression of a 13-year old boy who is really annoyed that his mother is capturing the moment when he and his triplet sister lost their top left canine cuspids. We've been getting this look a lot these days. Tooth or no tooth. It's really quite delightful in backwards world. #DeepBreaths. #ItsAPhase. #ThisTooShallPass. #LoveThemAllTheTime.
This revolving tooth inventory can be problematic for a Tooth Fairy, who has short-term memory loss, is busy trying to remember to take a lot of deep breaths, and tends to go to sleep right after the kids do, when they should instead be zipping around the world and perkily trading out teeth for cash.
At our house, it typically happens that Mrs. Tooth Fairy remembers just before she's about to fall asleep and gasps loudly, "OH NO!" which awakens Mr. Tooth Fairy, who flies out of bed as if on wings. And thus a search begins for small bills. Ones are ideal, because the exchange rate here is 1 tooth = $2 dollars. But a few times the Tooth Fairy has slipped the children a $5 and once a $20, but that isn't really sustainable with so many teeth falling out. It's best to keep the bar low, since once all the teeth have ceased falling out, the Tooth Fairy will need $$$$ for four sets of braces.
Also, the Tooth Fairy doesn't usually have cash on hand, so it has been known to happen the children have awoken to find their tooth replaced with a stack of quarters, dimes or nickels. Gone are the days when the Tooth Fairy could raid their piggy banks because these kids know how much cash they have - at all times. Sometimes, the Tooth Fairy slips a lost tooth in their pocket and then totally forgets about it. For several nights in a row. Which prompts a letter like this one:
Hmmm … Oops.