Tuesday, March 22, 2011

what's in you wednesday

Charlie had his appointment with a cardiologist today. He'll be going back in for a stress test in two weeks, but for now - due to what appears to be borderline hypertension - they've instructed him to buy a blood pressure cuff and significantly reduce his sodium intake.

This will be difficult since one of my husband's favorite foods is ... anything with salt.

The doctor has also requested that he not begin the P90X program until he has completed his stress test. Seeing as I don't have any [known] cardiovascular issues, I could of course re-start the program without him, at any point. But I'm a very dedicated wife and feel it's important to show support for my husband. Which should be relatively easy since my legs still hurt from the 1,000 squats I did two weeks ago.

While I was at work today, Charlie sent me the following photo with a caption that read, "Don't panic. She totally knows how to use it."


And to think, I'm worried about him having a heart attack.


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