Thursday, January 06, 2022

gracie's simple request

As I was scrolling through my email yesterday, looking for an old photograph, I stumbled upon this letter that Carolyn wrote to me last January.  One year ago.  The date stamp is on the email.  At the time, I'd forwarded the note to my mother, with the comment, "Ha! Well, it looks like Gracie wants to move ... the last time she wrote a letter to me this compelling, we bought her a puppy!" 

Perhaps, this may just be more proof that it is no coincidence we were in Vermont when I received the phone call and our family, unanimously, made the decision to take a new road.  While I'm not entirely sure where she came up with the $60K in taxes, she was spot-on that all it required was a A LEAP OF FAITH AND A CHECK AND A SNOWSUIT.  

Little did she know at the time, her wish would be granted. Although, she NEVER expected that she'd be starting the new school year in Vermont from a tent.   

If didn't know better, I'd think she has some truly divine connections.  That said: I'm drawing the line at ponies.  WE WILL NOT BE BUYING A PONY.  (At least, I don't think so!)


From: Carolyn
Subject: Vermont...
Date: January 21, 2021 at 4:32:12 PM EST
To: Jennifer

Hello Mom, this is Gracie.
I have information on Green Mountain Union High school!
1) Only 318 students, through the 7th and 12th grade... it would be bumped up to 322 if we move there.... just saying!
2) The school itself and its students are actually pretty smart, and has a 80% graduation rate. 
4) I could start a Rowing team!!!! Yay!
5) Did I mention they have 322 stud- oh whoops sorry I mean 318... :)
6) In Vermont, it snows! And the leaves ACTUALLY fall off the trees.. and speaking of trees there are probably amazing Christmas trees!
7) We would be closer to family. By a couple thousand miles!
8) Average taxes are about 16,000 dollars a year (Including Income tax, Sales tax, Fuel Tax, and Property tax. Not counting water and gas bill. But it would be a lot better instead of... what was it?... 60,000 dollars a YEAR IN TAXES?!?!?!?!?!) 
9) The land is beautiful... we could build a little house! With a Pony!! (Sorry got carried away)
10) Mom, I hate to be aggressively honest with you, but you are about to turn 50. And dad is going to be 54. (Or 55...) If you want to enjoy your fleeting youth as a healthy, mobile Adult with two working legs, feet, arms, hands, and your brain is as sharp as ever, why waste your years in regret? ALL IT REQUIRES IS A LEAP OF FAITH AND A CHECK AND A SNOWSUIT. 
11) And a little unknown fact about me, I've always wanted to move to another state in highschool, and highschool is coming to an end! QUICKLY! I'M RUNNING OUT OF TIME MAKE HASTE LADY. 

In the end (About 40 years) , it's all up to you. And dad, but you wear the pants in the family. Luv you! No pressure


  1. Wow! I love your blog, and I love you and your family!

  2. I haven't sent a comment in a long time. I just realized that you might not know who I am? Susan in California :)
