Saturday, May 09, 2020


There's no doubt the past few months have been challenging for our world.  Nothing is as it was in February, and there's really no telling when it will be like that again.


Governments are putting forth plans for reopening society, and while some people might be chomping at the bit for that to happen, others are very guarded and tentatively waiting to see what happens next.

What next?

Will there be a resurgence? 

Will testing become more widely available? 

Will there ever be a cure, or antidote? 

With such disruption and uncertainty, I'd suspect that the majority of people on our planet have varying fears ranging from slight to significant, as a result of this pandemic.  Perhaps the fears are over the ability to keep ourselves - friends, family, community - healthy.


Or maybe there are financial fears over the recovery and sustained stability of an economy that in the span of weeks, largely had its bottom fall out.   Maybe a combination of both - and more.


Our kids have been disappointed that every single summer camp that they were scheduled to attend, from coast to coast, has been canceled.


Both girls had opportunities to participate in state sporting events, with the potential of qualifying for national competitions, which have all been canceled.


The boys are disappointed to miss their sports, too, but they have XBOX.  Ha!


My heart is deeply with all of those who are struggling and afraid during this time.  And my prayer is that people find peace - hope - faith, and are able to keep their eyes open.  Even in the midst of these days, there is so much beauty and goodness around us.


Can't you see it?!


As I keep telling our kids, a happy heart is a grateful heart.  Every day we have to find SOMETHING to be grateful for; even if it's as simple as having the right balance of oxygen in the air we breathe.


Despite the fact that we live in a quasi construction zone and don't have a dishwasher, or interior refrigerator, and half of our kitchen floor is gone because of a poorly timed remodel before every one went in to lockdown ... and we trapped ANOTHER rat in our kitchen last week ... we're happy as clams.  


In these uncertain and frightening times, my long held desire to home school all of our children and live extremely simply and deliberately, has come to fruition.


Never did I think that I'd have this opportunity at this stage in life, but here we are and I'm on Cloud Nine!


Granted, I'm not doing a lot of homeschooling.  The teachers are doing an outstanding job of that, remotely.  But I'm so darn happy to have these kids home every day.  It's been awesome having all my little chics in the nest.


And I love that the four of them are the best of friends and get along so well.   We're beyond grateful and doing our best to enjoy whatever comes each day.


Homemade pretzels by Henry certainly seem to help.

1 comment:

  1. love seeing this update!!! Just a great family
