Sunday, October 19, 2014

it happens

One day last week, the fourth grade classes of several elementary schools in the region, attended the symphony at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.   It was a big deal for the children and the schools encouraged that everyone should dress up and try to look their best.  For our girls, that meant wearing dresses and their new boots.  For William it meant wearing his father's tie,  because his tie was too small.  I tried to dissuade him because it nearly came down to his knees, but he had his mind made up and so it came to be. When I spoke with my mother the night before this big event, I promised her that I'd take a picture of the kids dressed up and post it on the blog for her to see.

This is for you, Mom.

As is often the case in the morning, we were running late on the day of the symphony.  So Charlie was preparing to drive the kids to the bus stop, because we didn't want to take a chance we'd miss the bus - and it was starting to drizzle and heavy rain clouds were quickly moving in.  I'd almost forgotten that I'd promised to take a photo so as the kids were running out the door, I had them turn around and quickly pose for a picture.  I didn't realize that I'd captured what transpired in those next few moments, until I'm looking at the photos now...

Here, William realizes that he just stepped in something as Elizabeth and Henry look on with interest...


"Something" that we would quickly discover was a "gift" that Louie covertly left on the walkway because children did not take him for a long enough walk earlier that morning...


Here, Carolyn is graciously pointing out that she would not be sitting next to William.


This just goes to show that even on our best days...

We can still sometimes manage to step in it.