Sunday, July 14, 2013


Henry turned six-years-old on the Fourth of July. Six years old.  Let me just take a moment to reflect on how this little sparkler...


Has morphed in to this gorgeous firecracker who told me yesterday, "Mom, I might not marry you when I grow up." So I had to hold him down and tickle his belly until he said, "OK, OK, I'll marry you, HONEY!!!"


For the third year in a row, we celebrated his birthday in Michigan. This time, with a very special guest.  Please focus your attention on the lovely woman on the back right row wearing the festive hat that was decorated by my Aunt Grace.


This was the third year that we also took part in the town's Fourth of July parade. Henry has had his own "float" for the past two years, so this year, Clark and Eileen had professional banners made so that we wouldn't be up until 2 AM making signs out of poster board.


We actually had the pleasure of decorating TWO vehicles for the parade because my mother, Mary, turned 80 on July 7th, so while Eileen drove the truck with Henry - Clark drove my mother in his new Porsche which was also adorned with banners and balloons.


It was so awesome to have my mother join us in what has become an annual celebration. Word has spread about how much fun we have, so as a surprise - my mother's neighbors that she sees every year during the winter in Florida - made their way to Michigan from Connecticut so they could join in on the action.  On our way to the parade...


My mother was absolutely shocked to see her dear friend, Flavia (aka: Auntie Sam)...


And Flavia's wonderful daughter, Kate (aka: Lady Liberty).


Here we are in our patriotic best ...


Here's Kate with Mrs. Michigan...


And the Blue Man.


Here's the Birthday Mobile at the lineup...


And here we are pulling out on to the parade route.



The first year that we participated in the parade, we were directly in front of the high school band. This year, there was a rock band on the float behind us and it was so fun marching to the music!


A friend of a friend (of a neighbor) joined us in the birthday lineup because their daughter was turning one on the Fourth of July and they, too, wanted in on the parade marching birthday action. The little doll in the wagon is the Birthday Girl and next year her parents are thinking of upgrading her to a pony. Or a llama. Or something that will allow her better visibility of the crowd (and them of her).


Sticking with our theme of "We Give Kisses for Birthday Wishes!" ....


Henry did a great job throwing out handfuls of frozen Hershey Kisses...


To the thousands of people who lined the nearly 2-mile route.


Including a police officer with a fantastic reflex to catch airborne kisses.


We meandered down Main Street...


With our flags waving ...


And faces smiling.


We went past the Grand Stand and listened to the MC identify my mother celebrating her 80th birthday (visiting all the way from South Carolina), Henry celebrating his 6th birthday (all the way from Virginia), and the little girl in the wagon celebrating her 1st birthday (all the way from the next town over).  "So you see," he told the crowd, "people from all over America must realize this is the BEST PARADE in the country!" and then he told my mother that she was more beautiful than the car before asking, "By the way Mary, is that car your birthday gift?" 


My mother had so much fun that two days later, her cheeks still hurt from all the laughing.


Once the parade was finished, there were presents ...


Cake ...


And fireworks.


Talk about ending the perfect day with a bang!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to all of those beautiful special people......great memories :)
