Shoes = $14.99 (x2)
Gloves, headband = $10.00 (x2)
Sweater = $15.00 (x2)
Tights = $7.00 (x2)
The majority of a Saturday spent returning prior dress purchases (x2) because those prior dress purchases that we'd originally made didn't hold a candle to the beautiful WHITE dresses that the girls saw and really (really, really, really!) wanted and so what if they were First Holy Communion dresses and we're not practicing Catholics? These white dresses were the most beautiful dresses our girls had EVER seen - so gosh darnit, these were the dresses that they received = the majority of what might have been a blissful Saturday spent wading through crowds.
(If we ever make it back to the Catholic Church, we'll have something to wear.)
Champagne, strawberries, brie, baguettes, pizza, brownies = $142.00
An evening that my husband spent with our two beautiful daughters out dancing, and an evening that I spent with my fellow Girl Scout mothers (who came over with their non-Girl Scout children while our husbands / manfolk attended their first Father-Daughter Dance) ... PRICELESS.
Have you ever experienced a moment in your life when you think, "Wow. Life is awesome and it's great to be alive!"?
Tonight was one of those nights.