The one bout of clarity I can recall during that haze, when I was feeling severely depressed, was the day after William was re-admitted to the NICU.
Coincidentally, less than 24-hours after visiting three separate hospitals with our son, I came down with my first case of mastitis. I woke up at 4 AM with chills that were so severe, the only way I could get any comfort was to sleep in a scalding hot bathtub. The water was so hot - there was steam billowing around the room and the mirrors and windows were instantly fogged.
As I lowered my aching body in to the tub - I noticed that my right breast was engorged at least two times larger than my left and was extremely painful, red and swollen.
That didn't look right.
I climbed out of the tub, zipped on my hands free pump bra and tried to express milk with the aid of my hospital grade pump. After a grueling 15 minutes, and less than 2 ounces extracted, I had a suspicion something was amuck. But I was so tired and in such discomfort - I opted to deal with it later. Rather than wake up Charlie or place a call to my doctor, I climbed back in to the scalding hot tub and fell asleep for several hours.
When I woke up in a heavily pruned state, my mother - stepping through the mist of the bathroom came to me and insisted that instead of draining the tub and adding more scalding water, which is what I really wanted to do, I get up and call my perinatologist.
After a futile argument with mom, which was lost when I realized I had morphed in to a flailing idiot, I begrudgingly climbed out of the bath.
I described my symptoms and shockingly, 104 degree temperature, to my perinatologist and he diagnosed me with mastitis and told me that I needed to continue pumping and he'd be calling in a prescription for Keflex, immediately.
While Charlie, my mother and I prepared to go pick up my prescription - and then head up to the hospital so I could visit the babies (which no one thought I should be doing - but nothing was going to stop me from seeing my children), our postman dropped a package off at the front door.
It was a package for me - from my friend, Julie. Inside, there was a letter. It read:
Dear Jenna -
I hope this reaches you and finds you and your family well. How lucky Elizabeth, Carolyn & William are to have been born in to a loving home - as you know it's love that will nurture and protect them - in whatever form it comes. I hope you like the enclosed that I created - it's like a little reminder to call upon and to thank our Guardian Angels. I send this to you and your family with the very best of wishes.
Love - Julie Maggi
My dear friend had created a picture with a heart surrounding a moon and a sun, and a caption written across the heavens that read:
And night to day
I sleep and I dream
I learn and I play
And though
I can't see them
I know they exist
My Guardian Angels
Ever so near
In the mist
Their love is forever
And it always will be
This little group of mine
My Guardian Angels
And me.
This gift from my friend came at the absolute perfect time. It was a time when I felt so defeated, all I wanted to do was slip under the scalding hot water in my bathtub and have the misery of my mastitis and ailing babies in the NICU - that I could do nothing to help - end.
After enduring years of infertility, a long pregnancy that ended much too soon, a slow recovery from HELLP Syndrome, four torturous weeks of seeing our tiny babies hooked up to machines and struggling for life in the NICU, our little boy readmitted to the hospital after less than three days home, our little girl struggle to overcome an infection that could be fatal, and now - mastitis ... I'd had enough.
Yet this one simple gift completely transformed my outlook.
Not only did I have Guardian Angels that I could see ... my husband, my mother, my family .... ever so near in the mist were Guardian Angels that I couldn't see.
I just had to find my lost faith to believe that they were there.
My mentality changed dramatically. Rather than thinking of the NICU as a place that my children needed to hurry up and get out of ... I appreciated that they were under phenomenal care. The blood transfusions that all three of them would need - from their Dad's Superblood - was going to make them stronger and was not something I needed to fear.
I was reminded that once the babies came home ... they were 100% our responsibility ... and I could kiss the peace and quiet of our house goodbye. (I could also kiss goodbye any kind of organization or cleanliness - but that storm wouldn't hit for another 12-months.) With such a radical shift in my mindset, I tried to savor the remaining time that our babies were under the exceptional care of the NICU staff. It wasn't very soon after receiving the much-needed morale boost from my friend Julie, we received a call from our neonatologist.
Carolyn was being released.
It was Monday and for the next two days, we would relish having a newborn to dote upon. Two days later, on a Wednesday - we received another call from our neonatologist.
William was being released.
For the next two days, we relished having two newborns to dote upon - and began to fool ourselves in to believing that caring for multiple newborns wasn't so hard, after all.
The day after Thanksgiving - we received another call from our neonatologist.
Elizabeth was being released.
Similar to her sister, she would be coming home on an apnea monitor and with prescriptions for Reglan and Caffeine.
In less than a week, we went from having no babies at home - to having all three.
By the time Elizabeth was discharged - it had been exactly six weeks since they had been born. Although they spent a month and a half in the NICU - when they arrived home, they were still three weeks premature and extremely vulnerable to infection. But with my mother in town to lend her assistance and Charlie on a 12-week extended leave from work - we thought that with a 1-1 ratio of adult to baby, taking care of triplet newborns would be a breeze.
We didn't consider that the release of our babies from the hospital coincided with the height of RSV season, so we were especially paranoid about anything and everything coming in to contact with our preemies. Including Jim, who flew in to town to stay with us and immediately came down with a cold. And as such, was immediately asked to leave and stay in a hotel. Since Jim was unfamiliar with the area - mom went with him ... leaving us alone with the babies.
We didn't consider that babies waking up at various times and apnea monitors going off at all hours of the night would prevent us from sleeping more than two hours at a time.
We didn't consider that the trauma of a triplet pregnancy - the roller coaster ride that was the NICU experience - the exhausion of having three premature newborns to care for, would drive us to the absolute brink of desperation.
We didn't consider that although it would have been a tremendous help, we would be too paranoid to let anyone, other than the three of us, take care of the babies.
We didn't consider that William might be diagnosed, three weeks after his release, as lactose intolerant - which would make feeding time absolute torture for him and an absolute nightmare for us.
I didn't consider that the thought of being left alone with my longed after babies, that weighed less than 15 pounds collectively, when my mother went to visit her girlfriend, or Charlie ran off to the store - would cause me to hyperventilate and have a trembling panic attack.
I didn't consider that when I would tell my mother how nervous I was - she would respond "It's wonderful! You are going to have so much fun!!" I would furiously tell her "It's wonderful for YOU because YOU get to go home soon!!!"
But here they were. They were ours. And like it or not, nobody was going to come by and take them back.
What we never considered was that - as a team - Charlie and I would survive the first few months of triplethood, even after my mother flew home to South Carolina.
We never imagined that by the time Charlie returned to work, and with the aid of a handy-dandy Excel Spreadsheet, our babies would be on a fixed schedule that had them napping three times during the day and sleeping 10+ hours at night.
We never imagined that I'd be successful at breastfeeding all three of them (with a small amount of formula supplementation) or that we would dodge any and all ailments for the first year of their life (with the exception of a bilaternal hernia repair for William when he was 10-months old).
We never imagined that with time, our lives would regain a new kind of "normalcy" and we would feel empowered to do anything.
We never imagined that although we were outnumbered by children ... we would quickly realize that we were blessed beyond measure.
We never imagined that our once three-pound premature infants, that needed a gavage tube to eat, Caffeine to keep their hearts beating, or Reglan to battle reflux ... in less than three years, would be able to polish off 10 pancakes at a sitting; a dozen banana muffins in the blink of an eye or three gallons of orange juice in a single week.
We never imagined that our tiny babies - would blossom in to adorable toddlers that find extreme joy singing to each other in their cribs, holding hands and dancing in circles, or comforting one another when they are hurt.
But what we most definitely never imagined, was that once again ... my mother would be right: Triplethood is wonderful and we are having the best time of our lives.
Although we certainly didn't sign up for "this", I'm convinced one of our Guardian Angels did it for us.
God never gives you anything you can't handle! And you guys are the definite testimont to that! We all feel unworthy, encable and defeated sometimes as parents, but never doubt your instincts and that you CAN do it. But when you do, that's what friends are remind you of your strength and all those rallying around you...including your guardian angels. You truly are my one and only Ms. A.P.
ReplyDeleteYou two are the most awesome and inspiring parents! Much love, Susan
ReplyDeleteYou always seem to write the things that I need at the right time! Sure do miss Julie!
What a beautiful post. I can identify with the feeling of desperation and I only have one son to cope with!!! Your kids are lucky to have the two of you as parents!
ReplyDeleteSuch a great post...
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding is my Waterloo - you are my hero for dealing with mastitis on top of everything else.
And wow...It is amazing how time makes the struggles kinda fade as we learn and grow and realize how blessed we are. Thank heavens for guardian angels, for sure.
Well, you are certainly reflective today and it is wonderful to remember those days. Yes, you do have guardian angels watching over you. It is just a delight to see you enjoying the babies so much. I cannot wait to see them again and start the potty training.
You have such a way with words. What a ture gift. I too remember those early days and the sleep deprivation, the matitis (I thought I was going to die), and the fear of being left with all three of them all by myself. I wish I would have known then what I know now! Thank you for writing this. A great reminder of how lucky "us" triplet families are!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!
As usual, so well written. I waiting a long time for this part and I was not disappointed.
ReplyDeleteI can completely identify... There were times that I cried myself to sleep at night because I just wanted to be a "normal" Mommy... I like you, did not sign up for this, it was just handed to me. And like any gift that's given to you when it's not your birthday, it took me by surprise. I am still astounded that we made it through those early days. I have no gray hairs, and I'm still pretty much thinking straight... Congrats to you... You're doing a wonderful job and are an inspiration for those who follow behind you.
ReplyDeleteYeah for the blessings we didn't sign up for!
ReplyDeleteSo very sweet. There are definitely several things in my life I didn't sign up for, but am glad I have.
ReplyDeleteHi, just surfed in (from parenthacks) and had to comment. Lovely post.
ReplyDeleteI just your entire story, all 10 parts. It's so funny how similiar our stories are, and our babies were born a few days apart.
But, now isn't it wonderful that they're three and the days are easier. It was a long hard road, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Tanya Siekman
The Siekman Triplets
Sam, Jay & Meg 10-17-04
I was able to pull up VIII and the rest of the posts. What an amazing ride you had with your pregnancy, delivery and NICU experience. I am so glad everything worked out in the end. What an incredible story.
ReplyDeleteI just read all ten parts of your triplet story after discovering your blog through someone's links. Amazing. I am especially touched by a lot of your story because one of my oldest friends had twins at 30 weeks, and I have never gotten to talk to her about her experience in the NICU and what it was really like for her. I knew that it was hard, but during that time she wasn't able to talk about it because she had to concentrate on the babies, and since she has moved. Reading your story, in all it's rawness and honesty made me feel so much for you, but also for her. What an amazing journey. I'm so glad you were able to get all three babies healthy, they are adorable three year olds!
ReplyDeletewell... I finished with reading all through a waddle in time...
ReplyDeleteI must say it was just as if I have written it. Almost identical experience - except that my triplets were not born with apgar 9, but I was having experience of 9 hours of cotractions, we had low birth weight and various other horrible things. That made me scare beyond imaginable. Now, alomost 4 years on - I am still scared that there will be some consequences because I could not carry my babies to term. It is my fault...
But, oh am I glad that someone - you Jen, have put that in words. That I am not alone and- thanx once again for all this. God bless... Maja
I just found your blog a few days ago..found this part about your pregnancy and the birth of your babies. Ive been laughing out loud, and now crying. I have twin girls after 6 years of IF, by IVF. Some of the things you wrote hit so close to home! I love your blog, and am going to put a link to it on mine if you don't mind. You are an inspiration to all of us multiple Mommies. *hugs*