The children wrapped up their school year on Wednesday, so this weekend marks the first of our summer vacation. Due to the nearly weekly snowstorms that lasted through the first week of April, we had a lot of school days to make up. From what I gather, this is the latest the children have ever been in school and I'm not sure if we actually
did make it all up, or if the School Board finally decided enough was enough. There are so many things we have in store this summer and the next 10 weeks stretch before us full of endless possibilities. Here's the scene this morning...
Henry, helping to make breakfast:
Carolyn, lost in one of the books we checked out from the library yesterday:
Elizabeth, engrossed on tracing characters from a book we checked out from the library yesterday:
William, with his buddy (Tigger dba Hobbes), fully enraptured with a classic comic strip that matches his highly imaginative personality so well...
I'm surprised I've never considered the resemblance before.